Website for information and surveillance on introduced animal species (France and French overseas territories)

Written by Alan Tye Modified on the

The website offers several features:

  • A tab with a reporting form to enter observations of introduced animal species. An initial list is presented of species easily recognizable by the general public and whether they are present or absent; some of them are species listed in the Implementing Regulations in response to European Regulation 1143/2014. This new participatory approach is complementary to existing monitoring. The collected data feed the National Inventory of NaturalHeritage INPN, which is the national platform of the Information System on Nature and Landscapes SINP.Identification sheets are also available. The reporting form also permits entering unusual observations; for example an observation of an introduced species not yet listed in the databases can be entered by selecting "other taxon"(valid for the whole of France including all its overseas entities (in the Indian Ocean: Réunion, Mayotte, and the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (TAAF).
  • A monitoring tab presents information relating to the alert, early detection or monitoring of species in the natural environment and resends the information to partner sites carrying out introduced species monitoring.
  • An Assessment Tools tab is dedicated to species lists and methods for assessing the invasiveness of certain species. The national network of invasive animal species expertise is also presented. This network of experts supports the different components of the national invasive alien species strategy. It has been supported for fauna since 2009 by the National Museum of Natural History of France via the UMS NaturalHeritage (former Natural Heritage Service). Experts from the Indian Ocean are included in this network.
  • A Media tab offers bibliographic references classified by categories (ecology of biological invasions, taxonomic groups, monitoring, modeling and climate change, risk analysis, society (ethics) and economy, law) with download links. Videos and various communication media are available to better explain the themes (eg. posters and communication documents).
  • A Teaching tab is intended for schoolchildren and students to discover in an educational way the concepts relating to biological invasions. WIONISmembers can contribute to this item by sharing teaching materials produced in their territory.

The EEE-FIF website is collaborative. WIONIS members can send any information on introduced or invasive animals on their territory related to surveillance, prevention, alert, early detection, monitoring, research, expertise, and education. For information, a website will be produced by theFrench Committee of IUCN and the French Agency for Biodiversity, which will allow to include for example information on management and plant species. Finally, members can transmit information on local news (conferences, seminars, etc.).

If you have any question or information to share, do not hesitate to contact Jessica Thévenot

Programme espèces exotiques envahissantes
Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, CP41 75005 Paris
Tél : +33(0)1 40 79 80 12
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